Perfect little treats for your Easter weekend…

Ingredients (Makes between 6-8 nests):

  • 100g Brown rice puffs
  • 40g Coconut oil
  • 30g Cacao powder
  • 40g Maple Syrup
  • 3 tbsp Almond butter


  1. Line a flat tray with greaseproof paper. Set aside.
  2. In a saucepan melt together the coconut oil, cacao powder, maple syrup and almond butter heat until you have a smooth and glossy looking sauce. If you think it’s too thick then loosen it with a small splash of almond milk. Leave to cool for 2mins.
  3. Measure out the brown rice puffs into a mixing bowl. Pour over the chocolatey mixture. Stir together until all of the rice puffs have been coated in the mix.
  4. Measure out roughly around 2 tbsp of the mix per nest and shape them with your hands into a circle and make a dip in each one with your thumb to form a nest shape.
  5. Place in the fridge to allow the nests to set – for 1 hour minimum.
  6. Decorate with eggs of your choice. (we nestled some mini eggs here – it is Easter after all!)