We are thrilled to announce the launch of our interview series ‘BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY’.
Once a month we will be interviewing some of Britains leading entrepreneurs and getting to the core of what makes them tick. We will be finding out both sides of their story… the good, the bad, the highs and the lows.
Each interview will be streamed LIVE on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook so you can get involved and ask questions too. The 1st episode will be LIVE on the 27th July at 7pm featuring special guest, THE BLACK FARMER, WILFRED EMMANUEL-JONES, entrepreneur, business guru, author and the first black farmer in Britain.
The first interview is extra special to us because we will also officially be introducing Wilfred to our team as Squirrel Sisters joins The Black Farmers Hatchery! We started working with Wilfred back in January so we are incredibly excited to finally tell you all this news. We have waited 4.5 years to find an expert that can guide us and help us grow our business and the wait is finally over. We look forward to taking Squirrel Sisters to the next level with the help of this phenomenal man.
Here is the link you will need to stream the LIVE interview: